Lalgola College
NAAC Accredited "B" in 2016
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by UGC vide 2(f) & 12 (b)
Human Values and Professional Ethics
Human Development and Culture:
Lalgola College's Indigenous Education Plan reiterates the college’s longstanding commitment to learners, families, communities and organizations.The plan supports the principles outlined in developing Human values and the declaration on Rights, Values, Duties and Responsibilities.
Inclusive Governance:
The College administers observation of Independence Day, Republic Day, National Youth Day to ensure the continuous participation, collaboration and to inculcate values with decision making processes and governance structures which ensure more responsive environment.
Identity Building:
The College empower learners and staffs to achieve their full potential, socially, academically and professionally while participating in College Foundation Day, Rabindra Jayanti, Observation of library day etc.
Culturally rich and supportive learning environments:
The College braid ways of being, knowing, and doing into course structure and co-curricular activities as reflected through participation in College magazine to various competitions and seminars
Collaborative Engagement:
The College strengthens bonds of respect,creativity and community engagement through observation of Awareness Programme on Women and Children Trafficking in collaboration with IQAC Lalgola College and CINI, Women Empowerment in collaboration with IQAC, Lalgola College and Rokeya Nari Unnayan Samity, Murshidabad to inculcate meaningful and responsive values.