Lalgola College
NAAC Accredited "B" in 2016
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by UGC vide 2(f) & 12 (b)
Code of Conduct Teachers
Teaching is a noble profession. It shapes the character and future of students. He/ She can inspire hope, ignite students and instill love of learning among the students. Besides, the teachers have to:
Uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
Provide an innovative and quality education to students.
Be impartial and indiscriminative against students.
Interact with the students in a friendly manner.
Abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution.
Abide by the procedures to ensure student’ s safety.
Collaborate with fellow teachers.
Be responsible and interact positively with parents and other stakeholders in educating the students.
Be a good counselor and facilitator.
Help, guide, encourage and assist students in their learning.
Carry himself/herself with the highest integrity and has to exhibit outstanding and strong leadership skills.