Lalgola College

NAAC Accredited "B" in 2016

Affiliated to University of Kalyani

Recognised by UGC vide 2(f) & 12 (b)

Handbook of Code of Conduct


This Handbook indicates the standard procedures and practices of Lalgola College (hereinafter referred to as the ‘College’) for Governing Body/ Teaching Employees/ Non-teaching employees/Other Staff of the College. All must know that it is incumbent upon them to abide by this Code of Ethics and Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Code’) and the rights. All are thus requested to be well aware with this Code.


The College shall have the jurisdiction over the conduct of all associated with the College and to take notice of all acts of misconduct including incidents of ragging if otherwise takes place in the College Campus or in connection with the College related activities and functions.

College may also exercise jurisdiction over conduct which occurs off campus violating the student conduct and discipline as laid down in this rule, as if the conduct has occurred on campus which shall include:

  1. Any violations of the Sexual Harassment Policy of the College against other students of the Institute.
  2. Physical assault, threats of violence, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person including other students of the College;
  3. Possession or use of weapons, explosives or destructive devices off campus.
  4. Manufacture, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs, alcohol etc.
  5. Conduct which has a negative impact or constitutes a nuisance to members of the surrounding off-campus community

Code of Conduct for Students

Students seeking admission to College as well as existing students should give an undertaking countersigned by their parents promising to abide by the guidelines of discipline. Some of the guidelines are as under:

  1. He/she shall be regular and must complete his/her studies in the College.
  2. In the event, a student is forced to discontinue studies for any legitimate reason; such a student may be relieved from the College, subject to written consent from the Principal.
  3. As a result of such relieving, the student shall be required to clear pending dues and if a student had joined the College under a scholarship, the said grant shall be revoked.
  4. College believes in promoting a safe and efficient climate by enforcing behavioral standards. All students must uphold academic integrity, respect all persons and their rights and property and safety of others; etc.
  5. Any act of discrimination (Physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, color, region, language, disability, or sexual orientation, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, etc.
  6. Intentionally damaging or destroying College property or property of other students and/or faculty members.
  7. Any disruptive activity in a class room or in an event sponsored by the College.
  8. Unable to produce the identity card, issued by the College, or refusing to produce it on demand by campus security guards.

Students are made alert of:

  1. Smoking within the campus of the College is prohibited.
  2. Use of mobile phone is prohibited in the College Corridor, and Classroom.
  3. Students are expected not to interact, on behalf of the College, with media representatives or invite media persons in the campus without the permission of the College authorities.
  4. Students are not permitted to either audio or video record lectures in class rooms or actions of other students, faculty or staff without prior permission.
  5. Students are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on the campus to media without prior Permission.
  6. Students are expected to use the social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post derogatory comments about other individuals of the College on social media platforms or indulge in any such related activities having grave ramifications on the reputation of the College.
  7. Theft, Damage to or destruction of any property of the Institute or any property of others on the College premises.
  8. Students are advised to wear dresses as instructed on the day of orientation.

If there is case against a student for a possible breach of code of conduct, then disciplinary committee will discuss the matter to recommend a suitable disciplinary action who shall inquire into the alleged violation and accordingly suggest the action to be taken against the said student.

Code of Conduct for Employees

The following traits are expected from the Non-Teaching staff. He/ She must:

  1. Report to duty on time.
  2. Remain on-duty during College hours.
  3. Adhere strictly to the laws and regulations of the College.
  4. Respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration.
  5. Maintain honesty, integrity, fairness in all activities.
  6. Exercise self-discipline and restrain at all times and deal positively with staff, students and the general public.
  7. Must not divulge official secrets, mutilate, expunge, conceal, alter or forge official documents/receipts.
  8. Must not intercept or misappropriate college money.
  9. Must not be absent from duty without official approval or approved sick leave.
  10. Avoid social networking sites during the working hours.


College employees are bound by their contract to follow the Code of Conduct while performing their duties. The components of Code of Conduct are below:

Compliance with law

All employees must protect the College’ s legality. They should comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws. Our expectation to employees demands ethical and responsible behaviour while dealing with different segments of the College.

Respect in the workplace

All employees should respect their colleagues. Any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization of Employees should conform to equal opportunity policy in all aspects of their work.

Protection of College’s Property

All employees should treat College’s property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care.


  1. Shouldn’t misuse Institution’s equipment or use it frivolously.
  2. "Should respect all kinds of incorporeal property. This includes trademarks, copyright and other property (information, reports) Employees should use them only to complete their job duties.

Employees should protect College facilities and other material property from damage and vandalism, whenever possible.


All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace:


The College discourage employees from accepting gifts from stakeholders.

Job duties and authority

All employees should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect toward stakeholders and the community. It is expected to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competencies and workload. Likewise, it is also expected

From team members to follow supervisor’s instructions and complete their duties with skill and in timely manner.

Conflict of interest

It is expected that employees shall avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job duties.

Fellow Feeling

Employees should be friendly and collaborative. They should not try to disrupt the workplace or present obstacles to their colleagues’ work.


All employees must be open for communication with their colleagues, supervisors or team members.


Employees are not to misuse their employment benefits. They are to take care of all welfare matters that Institution offers.

Now code of conduct for individual categories are specified briefly."

Code of Conduct for Principal

The Principal of the College should always be honest, fair, objective, supportive, and protective and law abiding. Besides, the following traits are expected from the Principal. He / She has to:

  1. Chalk out a policy and plan to execute the vision and mission.
  2. Promote Industry-Institution interaction and inculcate research development activities.
  3. Ensure that the staff and students are aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college and enforce them fittingly.
  4. Recommend and forward communication to the authorities.
  5. Monitor, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take remedial measures/actions based on the stakeholder’s feedback.
  6. Execute any other qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare of the College.
  7. Listen to the student’s ideas and set a supportive tone.
  8. Be fair in her disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
  9. Empower all her staff and students to reach their maximum potential.

Code of Conduct for Teachers

Teaching is a noble profession. It shapes the character and future of students. He/ She can inspire hope, ignite students and instill love of learning among the students. Besides, the teachers have to:

  1. Uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
  2. Provide an innovative and quality education to students.
  3. Be impartial and indiscriminative against students.
  4. Interact with the students in a friendly manner.
  5. Abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution.
  6. Abide by the procedures to ensure student’s safety.
  7. Collaborate with fellow teachers.
  8. Be responsible and interact positively with parents and other stakeholders in educating the students.
  9. Be a good counselor and facilitator.
  10. Help, guide, encourage and assist students in their learning.
  11. Carry himself/herself with the highest integrity and has to exhibit outstanding and strong leadership skills.

Code of Conduct for Governing Body

The College shall be managed by a regularly constituted Governing Body/Administrator. The composition functions and other condition pertaining to the Governing Body shall be as per norms of the affiliating University - University of Calcutta.

Code of Conduct
Decisions and resolutions made by the Governing Body are obligatory.

  1. The governing body should act to approve the mission and strategic vision of the College, long-term academic plans.
  2. The body is formed to monitor performance of the College and quality assurance arrangements which should be, where possible and appropriate, benchmarked against other Colleges.
  3. Governing bodies ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their College, including regulations by statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid by the affiliating University.
  4. The members of Governing Body shall maintain their character, transparency, mannerism and good image.
  5. No property of the College to be used for personal benefits.
  6. The members of the Governing Body can obtain service from the College employees as and when required for the benefit of the College.
  7. If any member of Governing Body needs any primary information from College, he/ she shall communicate with the Principal and will not have any oral or written communication with other employees.
  8. If any misbehavior and action by the employees defames the College, it will be communicated to the authority concerned in writing.
  9. All shall abide by the saying that none is above the College.
  10. The Governing Body will receive all communication in writing only from the Principal, in the same way the Governing Body will reciprocate their decision through the Principal.
  11. Respect other member’s opinion and give them a chance to express, if necessary permit to register contradictory opinion.

In conclusion, it is duty to all for enriching the College and to make the College as pioneer in India."