Lalgola College
NAAC Accredited "B" in 2016
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by UGC vide 2(f) & 12 (b)
Best Practice
1. Women Squad:
Regular awareness programmes on Child Trafficking, Child Marriage and other socially relevant issues are discussed among local female population and they are educated about the dangers of women's trafficking.
Women's Self Employment and Empowerment: Students of Lalgola College, under the supervision of some teachers, regularly visit the neighbouring community and spread awareness among them on the possibilities of healthier employment opportunities. They are taught about the most updated processes of preserving and marketing their domestic food products like mango pickles and mango jam/jelly/juice.
Centre for Studies in the History of Lalgola
Objective: To preserve the history of Lalgola and transmit it within new generation.
The Context
Lalgola, situated on the banks of the Padma river in West Bengal, stands as a region of historical, cultural and social significance. It had been home to rulers, zamindars and settlers who migrated from various regions of India, especially Western India, during the 18th and 19th centuries because of social unrests, famines and natural calamities.
Lalgola had close connection with Natore (now in Bangladesh) and with Benaras during the Sanyasi Rebellion (1772-73). A secret tunnel from the Lalgola Raj -bari, opened onto the bank of Kalkeli River, had been a place where Sanyasis congregated and Lalgola's chief temple priest Kali Brahma Bhattacharya trained them how to battle against the British forces.
These sanyasis spoke Bhojpuri, since these families had migrated from the Bhojpuri regions of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The Bhojpuri speaking monks acted as retinue for the Lalgola zamindars.
In recent years, Lalgola, an important site of historical and cultural significance is slipping into oblivion. In the run of time and furies of nature, Lalgola has been left to languish in the backyard of history.
The Centre for Studies in the History of Lalgola endeavours to, redeem the History of Lalgola, and Maharaja Yogendra Narain Rai, the dared to combat the mighty British government. It tries to bring to the forefront the heritage sites of the place, bordering Bangladesh, with special focus on the Rajbari and the Kali temple. The latter enshrines the idol of Keli who is bound in chains in a grim ambience, representing difficult times of the British Rule. The Goddess is said to have been a reflector of the aspirations of the awakened. Nation, India, with symbolising the figure of the protecting mother, glowing in bliss.
With the intention of making its students aware of Lagore's history, the centre for Studies in the History of Lalgola offers a storehouse of books that deal with documentations on regional history of the area. The library of this centre has got around 100 books in its collection along with a photo gallery displaying heritages of Lalgola.
Besides enabling students to access books, the Centre also arranges for seminars and conferences at the college premise. Its has collaborated with Murshidabad Itihas Charcha Kendro so as to broaden the aspects of learning and research. Resource persons from varied areas have been invited to deliver lectures on Lalgola's history. The Centre aims at archiving several manuscripts on regional history. For this purpose it collaborates with Lalgola Public Library and keeps itself updated with information on latest addition of historical documents.